Why Choose Sheet Metal Over Flexible HVAC Ductwork?

Posted on: 22 July 2022

Flexible HVAC ductwork has some advantages; however, sheet metal products can be a better investment. Why should you consider using sheet metal to build your new HVAC system rather than flexible ductwork? 

Build a Stronger System

Flexible HVAC ductwork is made from strong but pliable materials. These products are made to flex and move.

While this flexibility has benefits, it also has a downside. Flexible ductwork is more open to damage. If something sharp comes into contact with these products, then they can tear and break open. If something hits a piece of ductwork, it can bend or get dented.

Sheet metal ductwork is made from thin but strong materials. It is rigid and resilient. A piece of metal ducting isn't likely to break or tear. It shouldn't change shape or bend after an impact. This is especially useful in more demanding commercial or industrial environments.

Reduce Your Cleaning Work

Dirty or dusty HVAC ductwork can create an unhealthy environment. Dirt and dust also affect your system's performance. So, it is important to keep your ductwork clean.

The softer materials and spiral design of flexible ductwork tend to attract dust and dirt. These materials can stick on the surface of your ducting and in its grooves. They then become hard to clean off.

Sheet metal ductwork is a lot easier to clean. It is made up of flat and straight pieces. You simply have to wipe the ductwork down to remove dirt and dust from its surfaces.

Improve Your Airflow Rates

Flexible ductwork doesn't always deliver optimum airflow efficiency. Its spiral design reduces its interior space. Plus, even a small dent in part of a system can restrict the flow of air.

Sheet metal systems are more reliable. This flat ductwork has more interior space, so it can carry more air through its system. It is also less likely to lose shape or get dented enough to restrict airflow.

Reduce Your Long-Term Costs

While flexible ductwork is generally cheaper to start with, these systems aren't necessarily an effective long-term investment compared to sheet metal products. Sheet metal systems could save you money.

For example, you'll usually have to replace flexible systems sooner and more often. You'll also have to repair or replace sections that get damaged.

However, a sheet metal system typically lasts longer and needs less maintenance and repair work because it is more robust. You'll spend less on your system after installation, and it will have a longer working lifespan.

To find out more, contact a sheet metal HVAC fabrication company.
